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Pet Dog Doors - Why You Need It


When shopping for the best dog door, keep in mind that how that is installed can affect the security of your home. Traditional dog doors, usually only a frame underneath a door, if not on a wall, are mostly just flaps made of plastic. They may be made of some tougher material, but security concerns remain. The following are three factors one must consider when shopping for doggie door for their pet.


Dog door size. Size is always a concern about dog doors. If your pet dogs are of the large breed, then it is most likely that a tiny person will be able to squeeze in. That tiny person can be your kid, another person, or a burglar. You would not want your child to get stuck in there, and perhaps injured. There is likewise the concern of other creatures being able to come and go as they please in your home. Perhaps if you can somehow limit the height of the door to accommodate only your dog, you might be able to keep intruders off your home.


Door Location. While it may be convenient to install the dog door on the front door, that is like telling everyone that there is a smaller and less secure way into your home. It is probably best, as well as safer, to put it at the back door, which typically leads to the backyard, or on any other door of your home as long as it is not the very obvious one at the front. Avoid giving would-be burglars some ideas.


The type you require. Some of the usual flap doors are made of tougher materials besides plastic. There are a number of lock settings as well to pick from. However, the single lock setting is disadvantageous in that it  will either lock your dog on the inside or on the outside. You would not want anything bad to happen to your pet dog because he was left outside overnight, do you? You will be better off with some electronic dog door when it comes to the safety of both your home and your dog. The dog can be made to wear a special collar, which the door is able to detect and consequently allow your dog to come in, but not any other animal. A doggie door provides your pet with some freedom to wander around your home, without you having to open the door every time. Check out for more details about dogs.


You would like your pet dog to have the freedom to go out and get back into the house whenever it wants to. A pet door can give him that freedom. However, do not compromise the security of your home for this. Purchase only the right  type of pet dog doors that will never allow burglars to come inside your home, click to know more!

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